Golf Cart Operating and Charging Instructions:

  1. Do not attempt to start the golf cart until all passengers have seatbelts on

  2. Put key into ignition and turn the key to the RIGHT to turn the golf cart on

  3. On the panel behind the steering wheel, push the “Forward/Reverse” switch forward (To Drive) or Reverse (To Reverse), or in the middle for neutral

  4. Keep the switch to the left of the “Forward/Reverse” turned on “Turf” to save battery.

  5. Move the black emergency break lever, located to the right of the driver’s seat, to the down position when ready to drive

  6. Engage the same emergency break by pulling up the lever every time to park

  7. Carefully step on the accelerator pedal (the cart accelerates fast if not careful!)

  8. *Brakes: Understand you must push harder on the breaks than a normal cart!*

  9. *It will take longer to stop than anticipated – this is not a normal automobile!*

  10. Please do not try and skid the wheels

  11. Use brakes to reduce speed when coasting downhill

  12. NEVER turn corners sharply or at high speeds; the golf cart may tip over!

  13. Allow the golf cart to come to a FULL STOP before changing from Forward (F) to Reverse (R) or Reverse (R) to Forward (F)

  14. *Failure to do so will result in significant damage*

  15. Never attempt to push the golf cart - especially while it’s in the “Forward” or “Reverse” Position – it must be in neutral (between Forward and Reverse switch)

  16. Failure to do so will result in significant damage

  17. Never push the golf cart unless completely necessary

  18. To turn the headlight on, use the “Light ON/OFF” switch on the panel behind the steering wheel on the left side

  19. Remember to turn the lights off when not in use

  20. Set the emergency parking brake every time when parking and remove the key when leaving the cart

  21. Use the steering wheel lock provided by turning the steering wheel until in its normal positions (Tesla symbol correctly faced up and down) and rope the steering wheel lock through the small hole in the steering wheel and click into the driver’s seatbelt lock

  22. Remove the steering wheel lock key and double check that the lock has been engaged

  23. Remain seated while the golf cart is moving. Keep all body parts inside the vehicle while moving

  24. The golf cart has a maximum weight limit of 750 pounds. Do not exceed the maximum weight limit under any circumstance

  25. The golf cart has a maximum speed of 25 MPH and may only be operated on streets where the posted Speed Limit is 35 MPH or less

  26. The golf cart is electric powered and the approximate distance the golf cart can travel is 15 – 20 miles on a full “100%” charge, which can vary with weight and inclines. Always leave sufficient charge to be able to return the golf cart

  27. The golf cart is a four (4) passenger golf cart only!

  28. Never exceed the maximum capacity at any time!

  29. All passengers must wear a seat belt and children under the age of Eight (8) or Eighty (80) pounds must use a car seat

  30. Never leave children unattended in or around the golf cart at any time

  31. No Smoking or OPEN FLAMES in or around the golf cart!

  32. Never operate the golf cart in standing water, the surf, the beach or allow sand/mud/salt water to come into contact with any mechanical or electrical part of the golf cart

  33. This will cause significant damage to the golf cart and you will be charged for damages

  34. Always drive with caution when going up/down slopes & hills

  35. Go slow and use brakes when doing down slopes & hills (the breaks require more pressure to stop the cart!)

  36. Reduce speed and use EXTREME caution when attempting to turn (especially when going downhill)

  37. Turning corner sharp at high speeds may result in the golf cart tipping over (i.e. injury and/or death)


Charge the golf cart in a WELL-VENTILATED area only!

Always place the charger on a flat, heat resistant and dry surface when charging the golf cart - NEVER place the charger on or in the golf cart!

Never charge the golf cart in rain or water or allow any form of liquid to come into contact with the charger or cables!

No Smoking or Open Flames near the golf cart - especially when charging!

Plug the Charging Cord’s Male 3 Prong Plug into a properly grounded outlet first (a normal outlet), THEN proceed with the following step:

Plug the Charging Cord’s Female 3 Prong Plug into a Male 3 Prong Outlet located underneath the most right back seat (can be seen with a black rubber cover)

The charging port is a black rubber cover where your legs would be in the right side back seat of the golf cart

Open the black rubber cover and plug in the female-side of the 120V extension charger

Do not charge the golf cart for more than 8 hours!

WHEN CHARGING, a small green light will flash above the driver’s seat steering wheel

WHEN COMPLETE CHARGING, the same green light will flash dramatically slower and/or no longer be lit

Keep children and pets away while charging the golf cart!

ALWAYS wait at least 30 minutes after unplugging the golf cart before driving!!!

If you require assistance or have any concerns regarding charging the GOLF CART, call (858) 888-9156 anytime - we are happy to help you!